Monday, 20 December 2010


When I'm sad, I stop being sad...
And be awesome instead!

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Girls are stupid.

And girlfriends don't excist. 
Girlfriends, you're supposed to love them.
They're like your sisters, you're ought to trust them and forgive them.
Even when they're are blind drunk, and they do things you disapprove completely.
You're supposed to go to them to tell them "That wasn't too bright, was it?".
You're supposed to talk with them, to support them.
But that never happens.

Girls call you "Whore!" and throw your bike into the canal.
Girls slowly break you down.

Sunday, 30 May 2010

Little treasures

Another sunday afternoon

Currently drinking: Gold tea
Currently listening: Room Eleven
Currently reading: Jane Austen - Pride & Prejudice (for like, the 100th time!)

Things that inspired me today

Friday, 28 May 2010


I won the student elections at my college.
Most votes, by far!
I'm so happy!